The construction for the new school in Lutsanga has begun. The blocks are all hand made on site with a machine that Koins for Kenya owns and brings to the work site. The water to build the blocks and make the concrete is carried to the work site by hand by the villagers. They expect to have the school done in about 2 months. The crew and villagers work 6 days per week.

This is the current school that they are using. They are letting the construction crew sleep in it at night. The construction crew employed by Koins works 6 days per week dawn to dusk and sleep in this at night as a group. The village is remote and it is too far to travel back to their homes at night. Most of the crew do not have cars either – they travel by walking or on motorcycle taxi’s called Piki Piki to get where they need to go. A few of the guys have mats or pads to sleep on. Most sleep on the ground.